Thursday, May 22, 2008

Words From Our Pastor

Today there are many people who are looking for something that is ‘genuine and real’. All over the world people are besieged by many problems. Political upheavals like wars and social unrest have become the order of the day. Economically, there is So much uncertainty hanging over us. We see every form of sin and wickedness rampant in every society. Furthermore, deadly diseases like AIDS and bird flu are becoming widespread throughout the world.

More and more people seek psychiatric help as they are unable to cope with a lot of anxiety and stress in their daily living. What a bleak scenario the world offers in these last days.

Our hearts cry out for a viable solution to life’s endless problems. The solution is not rituals, religions and philosophy. The only way to enjoy peace and stability is to live victoriously through our Lord Jesus Christ. When He is our Lord and Master, we are saved from sin, death and hell. We can brave the harsh storms of life with His strength and power.

After I had given my life to Jesus after His divine protection from death in 1987, my life turned out to be an adventure in Christ. I have been walking closely with the Lord. Every day He is sweeter than before. Every day I love Him more and more. I am grateful of His grace and mercy. Today I am still pursuing Him passionately. As a God chaser I still long passionately for His abiding presence.

I have one desire for the IGNITE-YOUTH. I hope all of them, If not most of them will be able to catch that passion and love to pursue God. Hopefully they will also let God work in them and use them to take their generation for Christ. Presently, all the church leaders are praying together with me for a great awakening and revival to stir our youths for Christ.

Why not open your heart to allow the sweet and powerful Holy Spirit to kindle this revival spirit within you? Then we can spread the ‘fire’ of His love to our community, our society, our state of Penang, our nation and all over the world. Indeed this is God’s will and plan for His church.

To God be the Glory.

Rev. Joyanna, Wai Fong.